Saturday, January 4, 2020

Leadership Development Plan For The Mississippi Army...

When approaching an organization with a new idea or concept it is vital to go in with all your data and facts organized and concise. One of the first things they want to know when they are considering revising or upgrading a leadership development plan is proof that a new plan would work. Therefore, the plan must have proof that is reliable, relatable and valid before introducing the plan. Always remember to treat others as you would want to be treated (Luke, 6: 31, KJV). This literature review paper will give provide proof to the Mississippi Army National Guard (MSARNG) that the new leadership development plan that is being proposed is credible. Literature Review Leadership Culture Edgar Schein outlines the characteristics of a†¦show more content†¦His word will last through the ages and whatever you ask in His name He will give to you† (John, 15:16, NIV). His book is very applicable when attempting to better understand the true make up of an organization like the Mississippi Army National Guard. He uses key values that describe the organization and its makeup. His article is considered valid and reliable. The focus of the Arthur is to explore the values of educating leaders in two specific ways. The first way is to provide research results in the area of moral and character value traits. The second way attempts to clearly define common terms that are often misunderstood (Arthur, 2010). He discusses the need for moral and character development in leadership programs. The author intertwines these concepts which emphasize the need for understanding the younger generation In regards to the MSARNG, this article provides some great insights about character development as it pertains to the environment, self-exploration, surrounding oneself with others that have similar values, the educational environment though college and how the younger generation feels about working in today’s organizations. This will help the MSARNG leaders understand today’s millennials by considering their background and will help bridge the gap in the organization. The analysis done on the younger generation was very beneficial and gave a new perspective on

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